Masterproefatelier Ongelijkheid in mobiliteit en bereikbaarheid
Academiejaar 2022-2023
Onderdeel van het traject Ongelijkheid in mobiliteit en bereikbaarheidWe are a new Stadsacademie trajectory exploring the broad topics of mobility, accessibility and city making, albeit specifically focusing on aspects of equity and distributive justice. We are interested in, for example, new forms of city street design and their impacts on liveability and mobility (e.g., who benefits from tactical urbanism?), approaching mobility equity from an ethnographic point of view (e.g., what is the impact of gendered mobility patterns?), or coproducing knowledge with residents by means of surveys or through a participatory approach (e.g., how do we engage citizens in an inclusive way in sustainable mobility transitions?). In the coming year we plan to define our focus, and we are seeking masters students with interdisciplinary backgrounds to join our masterproefatelier.
We look forward to welcoming new ideas with a link to mobility accessibility and equity, and providing support to masters students through our transdisciplinary network. To learn more about our Stadsacademie trajectory and our work, check out our next Lunch Talk event: De Gentse mobiliteitstransitie, or connect with us via email!