01.06.22 INVITATION IDC Impact Series: an afternoon with professor Jenny Lewis
IDC Impact Series: an afternoon with professor Jenny Lewis
The Research Department, the ten IDC, and professor Joris Voets cordially invite you to another IDC Impact Series event on Wednesday 1 June 2022, 16.00–17.00h!
A guest professorship brings professor Jenny Lewis (@JennyMLewis1) to Ghent University this Spring – an opportunity not to be missed for everyone who is interested in (societal) impact and evidence-informed policy.
Jenny Lewis is professor of public policy at the University of Melbourne, and was the founding director of the Policy Lab. She is a fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences Australia, the current president of the International Research Society for Public Management, and an expert on policy making, policy design, and public sector innovation. In January 2022 she was appointed as Director, Scholarly and Social Research Impact in Chancellery Research and Enterprise.
During her seminar she will share some of her knowledge on how to approach impact strategically – both on an institutional and on an individual researcher’s level. What mechanisms for academic reward and recognition can be introduced via the institutional planning cycle which both values the diversity of pathways to impact and enables research groups to engage effectively? How can researchers successfully engage with stakeholders and potentially co-create policy? What have been the tipping points in her own career that have made her invest so fully in fostering an impact literate research culture?
This event is a joint initiative of the Research Department, the ten IDC, and professor Joris Voets.
Please register your attendance via this link