Workshop Exploring digital social participation for urban sustainability governance in Ghent

Workshop Exploring digital social participation for urban sustainability governance in Ghent

Wednesday 29 May 2019 om 14:00
Green Hub, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 31

Docent(en): Chiara Certomà
Substantive responses or questions:

This session is the final event of the Marie Sk?odowska-Curie project ?Crowdsourcing Urban Sustainability Governance? and will be introduced by a brief presentation of dr. Chiara Certomà on the project aims, activities and results.

The focus of the session is to discuss with you collectively or in two small groups, together with the positive outcomes, also the pitfalls and threats of digital participation in the city planning and managing of Ghent. To this end we will introduce the projects results in the form of provisional conclusions and seek for your help to further explore both the bright and the dark side of digital social participation. We also want to collect and formulate new research questions on digital participation that Master students can discuss within the Stadsacademie.